U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Since the mid-1990’s Windmill has directly supported what is now called the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) and its predecessor organizations at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts. Windmill personnel supporting AFLCMC have many years of in-depth experience with a broad range of advisory and assistance services (A&AS), including: acquisition management, program management, financial management, administration, engineering, configuration/data management, and test and evaluation.

NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA)
Windmill International, Inc. has been continuously under contract to the NATO Early Warning and Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) since 1988. Windmill’s NATO team provides a wide range of acquisition support services for several major acquisition approaches including Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), and US Government led contracts on behalf of NAPMA. These support services include program management support, financial management support and technical experts in IFF, sensor data fusion, computer hardware and software, logistics, configuration management and testing. Our people support development, production, test and installation of an extensive suite of system upgrade in the NATO AWACS fleet. At the present time, we are contributing to the on-going Mode 5/S-EHS (Enhanced S) project and the CNS/ATM (Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management) project.

Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs (SAF/IA)
Since 2005, Windmill has been providing expert Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Security Assistance/Cooperation support to SAF/IA.
For the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs, Pacific Division (SAF/IARP), Windmill provides comprehensive A&AS and technical support for new and ongoing Taiwan FMS activities and associated U.S. Air Force-related programs. Windmill spearheaded every aspect of the $5.3B Taiwan Air Force F-16 Retrofit Program. Windmill also supports a wide range of Taiwan air and missile defense and weapon systems.
For the Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs, Central Division (SAF/IARC), Windmill provides project management support for new and ongoing United Arab Emirates (UAE) FMS activities. Windmill FMS experts support to UAE’s unique F-16 Block 60 aircraft, FMS/DCS hybrid procurement of C-17 aircraft, munitions programs, Link-16 and Electronic Warfare systems.

Transportation Security Administration
In 2002, Windmill joined Lockheed Martin’s team to support the new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in their nationwide Airport Specialized Security Training (SST) Program to train and deploy more than 57,000 Federal passenger security screeners at more than 425 airports across the country. Windmill established information technology-based, transportable classroom and support facilities, staffing of airport training logistics and IT managers to support instructional delivery teams nationwide.
Windmill continues to support initial passenger and baggage screener training, refresher training, and other TSA SST training activities. Windmill has also supported Lockheed Martin on the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Program. Our company has provided program management and administrative services for the enrollment kits.
Windmill provides professional services for the TSA’s Training Support Center through skilled, program oriented technicians, 24/7 customer support, storage logistics, property management, equipment and software maintenance and configuration, publications management and configuration and document control.
Windmill has also supported Siemens by arranging and managing the movement of large screening machines used at the nation’s airports, coordinating all freight, delivery and rigging requirements.

U.S. Department of Interior, Federal Consulting Group
Through a Blanket Purchase Agreement with the U.S. Department of Interior (Federal Consulting Group), Windmill is providing executive coaching, consulting and facilitation, and A&AS support to federal agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy and Department of Commerce International Trade Association.

U.S. Air Force Leadership Development Program (AFLDP) Support Services
Windmill supports organizations in the Air Force Personnel Domain with transparency, data management, and data quality management initiatives that include participating in efforts aimed at reshaping development and implementation of strategic planning, enterprise architecture and information technology portfolio management products and processes.
Providing Excellence in Professional Services to the AFLCMC for more than 25 years.

NATO’s AWACS Support Contractor of Choice Since 1988
Windmill International, Inc. · 12 Murphy Drive, suite 200 · Nashua, NH 03062 · Phone: 603-888-5502
© 2011-2022 Windmill International, Inc. ·